An update!!! =)
In the few days since returning Stateside, things have been so chaotic that I have not had a chance to sit down for evern ONE LITTLE BABY MINUTE on my computer. =) Today is my first day off of work, thanks to my coworker switching me shifts, and I decided to hang out at Chick-fil-A, where my sister works, and use the free wifi to update my blog. =) Unfortunately, all of my photos are on my camera, and I did not bring the cord with me. Oops. =) But I promise I will update with photos, soon!!
It is lovely to be back in the USA. I am still awed by the the cleanliness and perfection of this country. Everything is so orderly, pristine, and comfortable. People smile and wave. Cars move smoothly down accurately-painted streets. The sky of Oklahoma is huge and the sunsets breathtaking. In fact, the sunset out the window right now is really nice. =) Yellow and gold are touching the rooftops across the parking lot and feathery white clouds are turning grey in the coming shadow of nightfall.
I miss my family back home, of course, so very much. Every moment I wish they were around, so I could share with them everything that I am experiencing. Oh, well. Praise God for Facebook and Skype. =D
Being with my sister, Katrina, again after 6 months apart is absolutely wonderful! I missed her very much, and true to the saying, absence has definitely made our hearts grow fonder. =)) She and Jonathan, her boyfriend, have made my return very warm and welcomed me back with outings every night. It's been a blast! We went to see the Christmas lights on the mansions in Nichols Hills as well as in the public park in Yukon. I also discovered Jonathan has a penchant for really freaky scary movies =)) haha! We were able to celebrate Christmas together and I am looking forward to seeing my Heartland/Southwest friends on Sunday night when we plan to go to Bricktown to celebrate the New Years!! =)
Panera. What I can say. I love my job. =) My managers were ecstatic about my return and quickly issued me 40 hours for my first week, introduced me to the new foods we now offer, and swooped me back out onto register. The customers haven't changed. The routine hasn't changed. The atmosphere of the neighborhood hasn't changed. A lot of my coworkers have changed (transfering out to the new, snobby Panera with a drivethru lol) but I am enjoying the chance to make new friends. Praise God for saving this job for me. I am very grateful for His provision.
Today..... I got to hang out with some of my very best friends. My adopted brother Justin is back from his sunny vacation in Arizona (hoorah!) and the friend who saved my beloved computer from a sad demise, Levi, is back from the snowy mountains of Washington. We shared Ihop and Starbucks and Walmart shopping. I walked out with Cheez-Its, sharp cheddar spray cheese, a jug of eggnog,and a case of glass bottled Stuart's creme soda. =D Oohhhhh so much fun. =) Hello, New Years. Harry, my childhood friend from New Mexico, came by work to see me last night before he heads off for New Years. I was touched by the kindness I've been shown.
Well, I need to wrap this up. Thanks to everyone for the prayers during my travels. God kept his hand on every flight and there were no delays or problems.
Oh yes. Paris, by the way, was indescribably lovely. =)
LOVE the blog. Noelle you are so gifted at writing of all that you see in God's world! I feel like I am right there with you viewing that sunset. Wow! I am sure that God is very pleased at how you use your talent of drawing pictures from words to declare his wonderous work to those who are not there to see it for themselves. God created this world to express His love to man. We seldom stop and consider His hand in all that we take in. Thank you for taking the time to share His wonderous work with me!!! I sure appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to hear that your friends and job are giving you such a warm welcome. I understand that this world is cursed under sin, and all born into are in fact sinners, but it is so good to hear of those who allow our Heavenly Father and His Son to shine his light and his love through them to touch his child. God is drawing a picture for you through them, and that picture says, "Noelle, I notice you, and I love you too!" How precious.
Our enemy does not sleep however and I am sure that as God and you exchange notes of love to one another, the enemy is preparing his warfare against you. Make sure you are reading Eph. 6. Be awake and prepared. Satan will use those who are unaware to attack you. Gossip, looks and expressions, doings and non-doings (didn't smile for example) are all tool he will use to attack. Be on guard. Soak in every single love note from your Father in Heaven and KEEP YOUR HEART for out of it are the issues of life!!!
I am praying for you, for great things to come. I hope to hear from you often and to hear of what God is doing in your life.
I love you.