Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 26th, 2011

Can you believe that this month is practically over? And March is peeking just around the corner? Seeing as how February is definitely one of my least-favorite months, I'm looking forward to crossing it off the calendar. But spring is also my least favorite season, so I'm not that excited about March... or April... or even May. I guess it's a lose-lose situation!

With the changing seasons, I've been thinking about change in my own life. How there have been so many changes on the outside... I found myself going through a completely foreign life in a completely foreign routine to what I knew just 2 months ago... but not so many changes on the inside. Quiet moments during the day, or those few breif seconds when my head hits the pillow before I fall asleep, I feel that time isn't really passing by. It's like my life is just one big standstill and the rest of the world is going by around me.

Regardless, I have become aware that I made a huge career-chocie mistake!!

Journalism? English? Business? What??

I should be a singer!!! =)

Not really. I'm not about to quit college and go off and make my own band. But, I've been told so many times the past 2 months this, that I figured I ought to share! For those of you who know me, I sing a lot. All the time. Random songs. Random moments. I started singing to entertain myself when I was a little girl. I took voice lessons last year, and my favorite class at college is CHOIR! =) One of the best memories I have from this last year is my brother and I hollering along with the Ipod player driving down the road around town.

Now that I work long hours, and often late into night, I find myself singing more often, especially at work. And although it took me by surprise, I have been approached on so many occassions by the various coworkers about my vocal talent!! First, I just kind of brushed it off. Three people?

Four? Six? Wow!!!

So, I've been thinking.If something goes wrong with this path of life....

I'm forming a group and hitting the road to become a singer! =)

Psalms 96:1 O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.

Psalms 98:4 Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.

Monday, February 21, 2011

February 21st

Happy President's Day!!!

It has been several weeks since I posted last, and I apologize. Adjustment has been slow and sure and hard. But I can see how God has been with me each day.

I got my first paycheck from my job on Tuesday.

Let me say, was I ever PUMPED!!!! =)
It only happens once in your life, so I am in celebration, and wanted to share with you all!

A few things to also share about how God has sent little blessings. A week ago or so, when I was running out of money waiting for that paycheck, I really wanted some hand sanitizer and some hand lotion. Even though it seems like a small sum, just a few dollas, when just a few dollars is all you have in your purse - it becomes huge. So I just pushed it aside.

Then, God sent me a care box! The first in over a year. Not only was I touched to see the care and thought, but also to see the *chocolate* =) and especially the hot chocolate mixes! But then I got to the bottom... and there was hand santizier, and hand lotion. Wow. I was so stunned. It was so little... but it was huge to me...

Don't overlook the little blessings God sends you in life!

I hope to update more this week, but my break at work is quickly over and so I will draw this to a close. I think of my reader often! I hope it has been a good month for everyone.

My closing verse is John 3:16. Which everyone knows... but it's still so true... God SO LOVED me... he sent his son... and did even more, like sending a care box! =)